E3 Mattress Review

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E3 is a small memory foam mattress company with a big factory behind it (they’ve been making mattress components for many years).  E3 is sold online only, cutting out the middle man, and I think because of this and their close ties to their manufacturing they’ve created a product that has very good value compared to other memory foam mattresses on the market.  It has a standard memory foam feel, and though it’s definitely not for everyone, I think some customers should really consider this up-and-coming brand. (See also our guide on finding the best memory foam mattress).

EDITOR’S NOTE: The E3 mattress is no longer available. We recommend checking out our Dreamfoam Essential memory foam mattress review as an alternative.

E3 Mattress Reviews and Complaints

Who will love the E3 Mattress?

  • People who want a mattress that provides a lot of value – the founder’s family manufactures mattress components (for other brands) and they sell only online, cutting out as many middle men as possible, and passing some of that savings on to the customer.
  • Those who love that memory foam feel – this has a great traditional memory foam feel, offering a good comfort/support tradeoff
  • People who have pretty average sleep preferences – the people behind E3 have been manufacturing mattresses for a long time, so they know better than almost anyone what people want in general.
  • Those whose mattress can’t sleep hot – some memory foam mattresses feel hot during the night, I had no issues with E3.
  • People who are heavyset – not exclusively for heavy people, but I found that the mattress is especially supportive for a memory foam mattress.
  • Those who don’t mind/prefer buying online – click a button and it’s there, avoid the mattress store rat race with this one.

Who won’t like E3?

  • People who are not sure about memory foam – this is a good mattress at a good price, but if people don’t like the feel of memory foam, it’s not going to magically change their mind.
  • Those who want all the bells and whistles – this mattress is not Tempurpedic, but for the price is a great option.  If people want more foam, more cooling technology, etc, then there are other mattresses that are a better fit.
  • People who want to test the mattress out beforehand – not an option, this is online only.  They do give people 30 days to test it out at home with a guaranteed full refund if they’re worried.
  • Those who want to hear about other peoples’ experiences – this is a small brand with only a few reviews, so people won’t be able to find thousands of reviews like the major mattress brands.
  • People who want options – E3 only comes in one model (geared more towards an average sleeper) so if someone wants extra soft or extra firm, they’re out of luck.

Personal Experience on the E3 Mattress

Usually I try out a mattress for two weeks, but I ended up being on the E3 for ~3 weeks due to some life/travel events.  I think that the messaging rings true on this one – it’s definitely a nice mattress, not up to a true luxury standard (biggest comparison with memory foam will always be Tempur-Pedic), but more than good enough for someone looking for a good night’s sleep.  It didn’t sleep hot for me at all, and was definitely very comfortable.

It was actually slightly less firm than I expected, but only by a little bit.  I still felt really supported, and it actually felt to me a little more plush than the average memory foam mattress.  The only real complaint is that the edge support isn’t great – which doesn’t really matter too much, but I did notice when putting shoes on in the morning.  Not many memory foam mattresses are very good at this aspect anyway.  Overall it was a great 3 weeks – very comfortable and predictable each night.

Important Construction Aspects

If someone wants a full rundown of the construction I suggest they check out the E3 website (or ask me any burning questions in the comments below).  However the aspects that really stood out in my mind include:

  • 10 inches thick – 3 layers of good quality foam
  • They care about sleeping hot – they gel infuse and ventilate the top layer, both in an attempt to make sure the mattress doesn’t sleep hot (this was effective during my trial)

But it’s not Tempurpedic!  Isn’t that the best?

There are a number of new mattress companies selling online that are new and have little brand recognition.  Downside?  They certainly aren’t as well known as the big guys.  Upside?  If people take the risk and like it they’re getting a mattress that would probably be sold for a lot more in retail stores.  E3 at the time of this review is new and still trying to establish its reputation in the market, so if people do go with them, make sure to really take advantage of their 30 day trial period and make sure they like the mattress.  I tend to give the online companies the benefit of the doubt because of this return period – the risk is really theirs, not the consumer’s.

Do I recommend the E3 mattress?

I had a good experience with the mattress, and I think it could be a good choice for people looking for a solid memory foam mattress.  Even though it’s a newer company, I think the founder’s ties to the factory means that it has some credibility in terms of durability and craftsmanship.  If people want a well-known established brand, E3 isn’t the one for them, but if their mattress and message intrigues them, I think they are definitely worth giving a try.

Joe Auer

Joe Auer

Joe Auer is the editor of Mattress Clarity. He mainly focuses on mattress reviews and oversees the content across the site. He likes things simple and takes a straightforward, objective approach to his reviews. Joe has personally tested nearly 250 mattresses and always recommends people do their research before buying a new bed. He has been testing mattresses for over 5 years now, so he knows a thing or two when it comes to mattress selection. He has been cited as an authority in the industry by a number of large publications. When he isn't testing sleep products, he enjoys working out, reading both fiction and non-fiction, and playing classical piano. He enjoys traveling as well, and not just to test out hotel mattresses! Joe has an undergraduate degree from Wake Forest University and an MBA from Columbia University.